The mobile games are pretty much popular after the launch of PubG mobile. Big PC titles are expected to move to mobile gaming. Already the big ones like COD are booming on mobile gaming as Pubg Mobile got banned at least in India. Now another popular PC game Apex legends mobile is the next one on the list. Apex legends Mobile pre-registrations are now open you can register to play the early BETA access.
The Apex legends is a fast-paced battle royal game available on PC and consoles. The cross-platform play was available between PC and console. But for the Apex mobile, there is no cross-platform playability. Still, another big game coming to mobile devices will surely make up some new heights in the mobile gaming world.
Apex Legends Mobile Pre-registrations
As per the Twitter, post tweeted by the official Apex legends account, the mobile game will be a new one. They gave it a tagline Apex Legends Mobile is a “new game”, but “true to the original. It will surely mean that the new mobile game will be a new game but relatable or identical to the PC version of the game.
So, for the changes there will be no cross platform play available for the Apex Legends Mobile. If you want the Apex legends mobile game pre-registrations are now open for the Android users. Though lots of smartphones are shown as unsupported as of now. Try your luck with your smartphones. below is the link for the registrations.
Go to the above link and click on pre-register. So what are your thoughts about Apex Legends Mobile game pre-registrations? This game will be popular compared to the Pubg Mobile? Though there are some news that another PC game Valorant is coming up for the mobile soon.
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