The developers are the one who keeps the device alive even when it’s discontinued. The same is the case with Microsoft Lumia Windows phones. Lots of companies are now coming up with the ARM chipset supporting operating systems. Recently, Apple also switched from Intel to its own Apple M1 chipsets. The Lumia Developers Ran Adobe Photoshop on Lumia smartphone successfully using the latest Windows 10 ARM edition.
Though the Microsoft Lumia phones are long gone the device is still alive. There are few devices running on the Windows 10 ARM edition. The apps are getting ported to work on ARM devices and it may get improved soon. Adobe Photoshop on Lumia is one of the examples of ported apps.
Adobe has released the BETA version of Photoshop for ARM editions. One of the users ran Adobe Photoshop on Lumia smartphone. Earlier developers ported the full Windows 10 operating system on Lumia 950 and 950 XL. The users are tinkering with the devices and achieved to run even the sim cards.
Though Adobe Photoshop on Lumia would not be stable. But its quite interesting how developers are still making this device to stand out. These efforts make the device special. Windows devices had great potential but it was failed. Nokia chose Windows and it was failed too due to various reasons.
Surely, the ARM project is going to be improved a lot. We might get to see Windows OS again on the smartphones. For more such news follow us on our social media handles. Don’t forget to share it with your friends, you can join our Telegram channel for more instant updates!!
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